Saturday, December 29, 2007

Almost over!

Here are a few pics from Christmas day. I'll add a bunch more to my webpage at some point.
My tree. Emma with her guitar hero 3, Abby opening Mr.Bucket and Eric with the ultimate bumblebee transfomer. The last pic is the kids with my mom on Christmas eve.

I'm glad its over now. I have no idea where I'm going to put all of the new toys/clothes etc. I'm not looking forward to the task.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas to all.....

I am beat. It's after midnight on Christmas day and it was quite a day. The kids woke up at 7am...still dark but they got up anyway even though they know not to wake me until the sun rises. The rest of the day is a blur. Unwrap gifts, clean up, play and assemble, get showered and dressed, clean up, cook dinner, eat, clean get the idea. We went to my moms house first, then to my mother in laws, then to Jerry's uncles and off to the father in laws before we finally hit home at 11pm with a full van and 3 exhausted children...and 2 near comatose adults. Unloaded all the gear, got the kids ready for bed, cleaned up yet again, peeled veggies for tomorrows Boxing day dinner with my dad, stepmom and sisters and now I'm relaxing for 5 minutes before I slip into a deep sleep. We all got plenty of nice gifts and I'll be sure to post pics in the next few days. Hope everyone had a great day! Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 01, 2007


There is a special place in hell for people who give 3 year olds harmonicas. That is all.